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Виза в Великобританию

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Письмо в посольство Великобритании

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2010-09-29 00:26:29 -  Evgeny Ivakin, City of Bryansk:
14 – 75 Polesskaya
241029 Bryansk
28.09.2010 Russia
E-mail: eivakin@mail.ru
Right honourable Ladies and Misters,
the infantile cerebrale paralisys has deprived me of ability to walk; my hands’ functions are some limited: f.e. during writing typewriters and a computer are used and also a wheel-chair with levers during moving. I am very near to self-service. I am 56 years now.
I visited a school for health children in a baby carriage being taught and educated by teachers with gold hearts. A normal level of the intellect was reached by me. It was prohibited to take on handicapped in establishments of the higher education in the Soviet
Union. But the good people supported me. Teachers’ Training Institut has given me good education, German and English were mastered by me. My working time of the testing of students’ works for foreign languages lasts 28 years: the technical literature was translated by me from 4 languages at Automobile Factory; materials about our achivements on the field of machine building were translated by me into English. The cultural organization of work for handicapped is carried out by me also many years long. It is reached by me
in order they visit places in interest, churches, monasteries etc. This is the most heavy solving problem in conditions of our country. A book about was written and published by me.
12 y.a. the treatment was got by me at the Rehabilitation Center for similar patients in Moscow. I taught handicapped to foreign languages and saw s that their possibilities to work with the information in a written form often are even better in many cases than have the health people. Ill patients can also translate information using analogically typewriters, computers, dictophons. But this working activity is taken away from us by the health people in absolute many cases in life. Millions and millions handicapped are asked themselves: “What I am living for?” They don’t find any answer. But it is possible to make them happy. One must carry out a lot of examples about the working capacity of ill people
with the normal intellect but with the poor command of their hands and make a social discovery that the work with the information in a written form is to belong to persons with kinetical problems.
But the translators activity is in demand mainly in Moscow and St. Petersburg in Russias. Unusual effort was made by me, a few Departments of the Russian Federation in order I get a permission to live and to work in our capital. But the Government of the City of Moscow is not agree to let that.
‘d it possible in order I work with the spastics in such rehabilitation direction in the United Kindom?
Last year I have lost my work at the factory through the crisis.
I can’t get work again. 1995 was issued the “Law about the social support of handicapped in the Russian Federation”. That Law prohibits to take on for the working activity handicapped with the 3-rd degree restriction of disability. The most heavy degree of disability is given all the people who can’t walk. We must only die in conditions of our country without the working activity.
It impossible even to enjoy the fresh air, because 5 steps are unsurmountable in my circumstances in our block of flats.
My mother is to old. She is 89. She is weak and ill.
My pension is not enough in order to invite a “home assistant”.
My fate is only to die in unfavourable conditions of our cripple homes soon.
Lord God sees me sincerity and right way.
On the other hand, I could be very useful in conditions of your wonderful
country with it’s reach humanist traditions to our group of the population.
I know very many kind to decrease spastical phenomena by different drugs.
Arriving to the United Kingdom as a tourist in spring or summer I could remain here in order to be useful for the mankind.
I thank you very much for your attention.
With best regards E. Ivakin

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