/var/www/columb/data/www/uk-visa.ru/_new_admin/config/db.php8mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead the country of my permanent residence is Germany. I am going to Bermuda via London. The arrival flight from Berlin is London-Heathrow, the connection flight departs however from London-Gatwick. The co

Виза в Великобританию

Тел: (495) | контакты | о насвиза в Англию
www.UK-visa.ru >> Транзитная виза в Великобританию >> Вопросы и Ответы>>  the country of my permanent residence is Germany. I am going to Bermuda via London. The arrival flight from Berlin is London-Heathrow, the connection flight departs however from London-Gatwick. The co

the country of my permanent residence is Germany. I am going to Bermuda via London. The arrival flight from Berlin is London-Heathrow, the connection flight departs however from London-Gatwick. The co

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вопросы и ответы по визе в Великобританию
как получить визу в Великобританию через наше агентство
британский Визовый Центр в Москве
Как получить визу в Великобританию самостоятельно
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/var/www/columb/data/www/_new_admin/admin/functions.php264Function mysql_numrows() is deprecated
2013-01-30 20:12:01 -  Mukhamediyeva, Berlin:
the country of my permanent residence is Germany. I am going to Bermuda via London. The arrival flight from Berlin is London-Heathrow, the connection flight departs however from London-Gatwick. The connection time is 7 hours. Do I need a transit visa? I have also a multiple tourist visa for the USA.
Would be great, if you could answer my question.
Thank you in advance,

Алена - visa@uk-visa.ru:

We cannot answer this question. You'd better consult British Embassy.